Home Care Costs in the UK: A Comprehensive Guide to Hourly Rates and Funding Options


Navigating the world of home care services can be challenging, particularly when it comes to understanding the costs involved. At Angels at Home, we believe in providing transparent and accessible information to help our clients make informed decisions about their home care needs. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the factors that influence home care costs per hour in the UK, the various funding options available, and how Angels at Home ensures high-quality, affordable care for our clients.

Factors Influencing Home Care Costs Per Hour

  1. Geographical location: Home care costs can vary depending on the region or city in which you live, with higher costs often associated with urban areas and lower costs in rural regions.
  2. Level of care required: The cost of home care services will be influenced by the level of care needed, such as personal care, companion care, or nursing care, with more specialized care typically incurring higher costs.
  3. Duration of care: The number of hours per week that care is required will also impact the overall cost, with longer care durations generally leading to higher costs.
  4. Care provider: The choice of home care provider can affect the cost of services, as each provider sets their own pricing structure based on factors such as staff qualifications, overheads, and company policies.

Average Home Care Costs in the UK

The cost of home care services can vary widely depending on the factors mentioned above. On average, hourly rates for home care in the UK range from £15 to £30 per hour. It is important to remember that these figures are only a guide, and the actual cost of care will depend on the individual circumstances and needs of the client.

Funding Options for Home Care

  1. Local authority funding: If your loved one has been assessed as requiring home care services by a local authority, they may be eligible for financial assistance to help cover the costs. This assistance may be provided in the form of direct payments or a personal budget, which can be used to pay for care services.
  2. NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC): In some cases, individuals with complex medical needs may qualify for fully-funded care through NHS Continuing Healthcare. This funding covers the cost of care for those with long-term, complex health conditions.
  3. Attendance Allowance: For individuals aged 65 or over who require assistance with personal care due to a disability, Attendance Allowance can provide a tax-free benefit to help cover the cost of care.
  4. Self-funding: If your loved one does not qualify for financial assistance or wishes to have more control over their care arrangements, they can choose to self-fund their home care services.

Angels at Home: Providing Quality, Affordable Care

At Angels at Home, we are committed to delivering high-quality home care services at a fair and competitive price. Our team will work with you to develop a customized care plan that meets your loved one’s needs and budget, ensuring they receive the support and assistance they require without compromising on quality.


Understanding the costs involved in home care services is essential for making informed decisions about your loved one’s care needs. By considering factors such as geographical location, level of care, and duration of care, you can gain a better understanding of the potential costs involved. Exploring funding options and working with a trusted provider like Angels at Home can help ensure that your loved one receives the highest quality care at an affordable price.

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